Majalahpro Theme

Ini dia theme Berita Online Indonesia yang disukai visitor Majalahpro Theme Mirip Tribunnews

Website berita semakin banyak merajai halaman google, ini tidak lain karena google suka akan hal yang baru untuk mendapatkan prioritas dalam crawl. Selain itu web berita bisa menjadi penghasilan yang lumayan dengan memasang iklan google ataupun lainnya.

Majalahpro itulah theme berita wordpress yang kali ini kami persembahkan untuk sobat online semua. Dengan mengikuti desain mirip tribun news dan mempunyai tampilan keren.

Bacaan Lainnya

Selain itu, theme sudah dibuat responsive sehingga bisa mengikuti perangkat yang digunakan. Kemudian sudah disetting dengan SEO on page dan struktur desain yang mempercepat website. Untuk mengetahui lebih lengkap apa saja keunggulan majalahpro? Berikut ini kami tuliskan secara garis besarnya.

Fitur Majalahpro Theme

  1. High CTR ads place >> Penempatan iklan semakin variatif dengan adanya 9 slot untuk menyisipkan kode.
  2. Mendukung 4 menu >> Untuk semakin memeriahkan website, terdapat 4 menu yang bisa disetting untuk memudahkan navigasi.
  3. Ajax Slider dan Tab >> Dengan menggunakan ajax, speed web semakin kencang dan tidak render.
  4. Support 3 posting terkait >> Pengaturan postingan terkait bisa menggunakan kategori, topik atau tag.
  5. Infinite Scroll Support >> Ini fitur yang semua theme jaman sekarang sudah tersedia.
  6. Fixed scroll menu, banner dan sidebar >> Semakin cantik dengan fixed dibeberapa tempat untuk menambah jumlah klik.
  7. Support amp official plugin >> laman AMP full support sehingga tidak takut halaman jadi default jelek.
  8. Navigasi split pos yang cantik >>Mengecilkan Bounce rate dengan split pos yang sudah bisa diatur didalam postingan.
  9. Social Share di halaman single dan arsip >> Semakin mudah untuk share di semua social media pengunjung.
  10. Komentar facebook >> Ada yang bosan komentar default? coba ganti dengan komentar facebook siapa tahu interaksi jadi makin rame.
  11. Responsive Desain >> Lagi-lagi untuk tampilan sudah mobile friendly dengan responsive desain.
  12. Customizer >> atur-atur theme melalui customizer jadi lebih mudah bagi orang awam.
  13. FB Pixel dan google analytics >> Analisis pengunjung dengan tracking FB pixel dan juga google analytics.
  14. Unlimited Color >> Bisa mengubah ke banyak pilihan warna sesuai dengan keinginan anda.
  15. 600+ Google Font >> Ingin font yang kece? coba cari di pengaturan font.
  16. One Click Update dan Import >> memudahkan untuk import dan update data dalam theme majalahpro.

Harga Majalahpro theme

  1. $30 / Personal (10 domain)
  2. $50 / Personal (50 domain)
  3. $85 / Developer (200 domain)

Changelog :

v.1.2.5 13/1/22
- New Support post view counter
- New Add Time Video
- custom field video durasi
- Add new social icon Tiktok, telegram
- Custom Field news writer
- pilih font icon with svg
- Pilih banyak layout
- perbaikan bugs
- Update infinite scroll terbaru
- Update Splide JS terbaru

v.1.2.4 29/7/21

  • Fix cart not update when click cart in woocommerce
  • Fix html not working di copyright text AMP

v.1.2.3 21/7/21

  • Add remove_theme_support( ‘widgets-block-editor’ ) for remove Gutenberg support in Widget for wp 5.8
  • Fix small warning in php 8
  • Support wp 5.8 and php 8, now require php version is 7.4

v.1.2.2 14/07/21

  • Fix some script in splide js
  • Update infinite scroll script js to version 4

v.1.2.1 04/06/21

  • Add auto slide to big slider
  • Fixed sticky not working on a-z index page
  • Fixed image block in big slider

v.1.2.0 01/06/21

  • Update script fb comment
  • Move ajax options and script from plugin majalahpro-core to theme majalahpro, now you can see options in customizer -> blog -> blog layout
  • Remove jquery theia sticky change with position sticky css
  • Remove smart date
  • Optimize some codes
  • Support latest wordpress
  • Remove jquery dependencies
  • Remove ajax tab change with non ajax tab
  • Change Muli font with Mulish for google fonts in customizer
  • Sanitize copyright text
  • Fixed duplicate domain license key and change license key method (You must insert again license key in your website)

v.1.1.9 09/12/20

  • Support rank math breadcrumbs (For breadcrumb must update plugin too)
  • Change http to https (For breadcrumb must update plugin too)
  • Support wordpress 5.6
  • Change http to https for update theme json url

v.1.1.8 – 10/10/20

  • FB Pixel now working for amp (Must update majalahpro core plugin)
  • Analytics now working for amp (Must update majalahpro core plugin)
  • Add dashboard promo
  • Fixed some bugs in theme
  • Remove options to disable script version css and js, this fix wordpress 5.5 compatibility (Must update majalahpro core plugin)
  • Remove options to disable jquery migrate, in latest wordpress not using jquery migrate (Must update majalahpro core plugin)
  • Remove options to disable wp oembed, gutenberg need this (Must update majalahpro core plugin)
  • Remove modernizr since internet explorer not support again.
  • Support Menu Icons Plugin in Mobile Menu
  • Add simple scroll mobile menu, you can setting in appearance -> menus, this using wp_is_mobile so you can view only in phone or tablet not desktop computer.
  • Add comment button in amp page
  • Add hook wp body open (wp 5.2) @Link
  • Add non amp version url in footer amp page
  • Add simple editor news via custom field.
  • Obfuscation some file for protect our license

v.1.1.7 – 01/05/20

  • Fix focus news can not save options in post editor

v.1.1.6 – 06/04/20

  • Fix top navigation not displaying in some cases

v.1.1.5 – 10/02/20

  • Improve Mobile Menu
  • Remove Ad Block
  • Remove disable topnav, now topnav is require
  • Update Analytics Script
  • Fix some WordPress Coding Standard
  • Add AMP support using this plugin:
  • Add recommended plugin amp
  • Update minimal php version 7.0+
  • Update miniaml wordpress version 5.0+

v.1.1.4 – 27/01/20

  • Fixed majalahpro-core url one click install
  • Add + and – in mobile url
  • Temporary update only for fixed majalahpro-core url

v.1.1.3 – 01/08/19

  • Change A-Z index with category index in A Z Page or index page
  • Fix checkbox options in customizer
  • majalahpro core update ( remove newsindex taxonomy ) this will not found page for some index taxonomy page in your website, please redirect using your redirection plugin.

v.1.1.2 – 21/07/19

  • Fix youtube responsive in single page.

v.1.1.1 – 20/07/19

  • Fix footer widget columns options in customizer.

v.1.1.0 – 30/06/19

  • Fix url error when fb share in archive page.

v.1.0.9 – 02/05/19

  • Change echo esc_html( get_the_archive_title() ); with the_archive_title(); in archive page
  • Fix close menu mobile when user input text in search menu mobile

v.1.0.8 – 22/04/19

  • Fix message undefined message when no mobile menu and upgrade sidr menu to 3.0.0
  • Fix can not save custom field Source and Oembed (Must update Majalahpro Core)

v.1.0.7 – 20/04/19

  • Fix thumbnail size.
  • Cleaning Code and add sanitize for some output and text.
  • Remove google plus share and social
  • Remove Aweber Widget, getresponse Widget, mailchimp Widget ( Useless Features )
  • Remove Opengraph, for opengraph you can using yoast or AIO SEO plugin
  • Change mobile menu, now only one menu for 3 menu place.
  • inline-block share button in mobile

v.1.0.6 – 12/12/18

  • Fix license options (You must insert license key again in plugin -> majalahpro license)

v.1.0.5 – 08/12/18

  • Fix custom taxonomy not display in gutenberg editor wordpress 5.0 (Plugin majalahpro-core)
  • Add new option for disable social share in single (theme)
  • Remove thumb.php and auto post thumbnail, now you must set featured image in every post (Plugin majalahpro-core & theme)
  • Remove itemprop image in every image (Plugin majalahpro-core & theme)
  • Add WhatsApp Button social share in single
  • Add new option for disable smart date (1 week ago, etc)
  • Add views in single, require plugin wp-postview

v.1.0.4 – 03/03/2017

  • Fix error in latest version

v.1.0.3 – 02/03/2017

  • Fix depracate woocommerce 3.2.1
  • Add source metabox for display source your post. (Must update plugin)
  • Change video.php with metabox.php in majalahpro-core.
  • Fix can not uncheck in widget most view post.
  • Add color meta for address bar chrome mobile
  • Woocommerce setting now using woocommerce customizer API
  • Fix adblock and add refresh button in overlay (Must update plugin)

v.1.0.2 – 06/10/2017

  • Change big image ajax slider with owl caraousel.
  • Fix small bugs.
  • Add conditional tag so ajax tab dan owl carousel only load in home page.
  • Add new fetures for improve performance in majalahpro-core – other (Must update plugin too)
  • Remove ajax style folder and file

v1.0.1 – 22/09/2017

  • Fix responsive title font and bold in single
  • Fix recent and most view widget query in single post
  • Change only on category layout, now in first post using big image
  • Fix small bug in sticky
  • Add back to top button
  • Add margin-bottom in related infinite, this fixed bugs when scroll not load
  • Change category and tax selection with ajax auto suggestion in widget for prevent bloating load (Must update plugin too)

v1.0 – 18/09/2017

  • Theme initial release

Pos terkait

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